The MATRYOSHKA.TV System acts as an Information Intermediary, the owner of an information resource on the Internet, on which audiovisual works are placed exclusively by Internet Users, and which does not choose the recipient of this information, does not affect the integrity of such transmitted information, and due to the specifics of the status of the Information Intermediary, and is not responsible for the actions of third parties that violate the current Russian legislation, and in accordance with Art. 1253.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 15.7 of the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" takes measures to suppress the relevant violations at the request of the Copyright Holders.
Copyright holders (and persons acting on their behalf) should be fully aware that the Information Intermediary, by virtue of its status, is obliged to monitor information that is posted, transmitted or stored by Users on the Site, as well as to actively search for facts or consequences that indicate illegal activity is not mandated by law. Moreover, the Administration does not have the right to assume the functions of law enforcement or judicial authorities in order to objectively evaluate the placement of this or that Content by Users on the Site for legality and non-violation of the rights of third parties. In the event of a dispute and the impossibility of its settlement within the framework of these Regulations, the Applicant must be guided by the current provisions of the applicable Russian legislation.
MATRYOSHKA.TV unconditionally respects the rights of Authors and Copyright Holders, and consistently adheres to the principles of active cooperation with Copyright Holders (acting in their turn in good faith and on legal grounds) and promoting the development of a legitimate Internet environment in which conditions are created that prevent the violation of exclusive rights, as well as consistently urges Users to respect the intellectual property of Right Holders and to prevent illegal use of objects of intellectual rights.
In addition, MATRYOSHKA.TV, having the status of an Information Intermediary, having expressed its intention to sign the Code of Good Practices, the Code of Ethical Activities (Work) on the Internet, undoubtedly acquires the status of a bona fide participant in legal relations within the framework of providing an information resource on the Internet.